
Steam free to play mac games
Steam free to play mac games

steam free to play mac games

You can turn worthless junk into useful items with Crafting, and get to know your Dwellers and lead them to happiness. Your task is to build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland. Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. It’s also set within ongoing Star Trek canon, taking place roughly three decades after the events of Star Trek Nemesis.įallout is one of the best-selling game franchises from Bethesda, and Fallout Shelter, well, offers a simple experience, all for free. The game gifts you with a crew and a Federation starship and sets you free to sail the stars in true Trekkie fashion. The game has microtransactions available should you want to speed up the leveling/resource gathering process, but the game is consistently generous with its free content, especially to new players looking to see their very own final frontier. While there only a few games that have been able to perfect a video game and film relationship, Star Trek Online is luckily one of those. So go ahead and join up with your friends in a Platoon to reap in-game bonuses and rewards, and complete Battle Missions to truly test your skills.


World of Tanks is one of the largest multiplayer games out there, and best of all, it is available for free on Steam.


Choose your tank, upgrade your vehicle, and battle on over a dozen maps. World of Tanks Blitz is the Free-to-Play PvP hit that puts commanders against each other in 7-vs-7 tank combat, with over 200 unique vehicles to master from Germany, Japan, France, the UK, USA, USSR, and China. If card games are your thing and you enjoyed the Yu-Gi-Oh series, then this game is a must for you! The objective of the game is quite simple – build your ultimate Deck and aim for the top. The game boasts of a star-studded lineup which includes Yugi, Kaiba, Joey, Mai and more, and offers signature monsters with stunning 3D animations.


Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links is a card game based on the famous TV series. In Duel World, any location transforms into a Duel Field where heated Duels unfold. The overall grim atmosphere, voice acting, and the loot make this game a must play. Like other games of its kind, your character has several abilities, and you are required to match abilities to their corresponding color sockets to use them. The game has plenty of quests and a dense amount of loot. The game is set in a dumping ground for criminals, where you may choose your character from one of the seven prisoners.

steam free to play mac games

The game offers gorgeous graphics, in line with some AAA games, to go with its gameplay. Path of Exile is an Action RPG like Diablo III, but unlike many others of its kind, Path of Exile plays out in a darker atmosphere. And if the scenario is too real for you, the game can also be tuned to be less or more realistic. The game requires the players to carefully position their vehicles with a proper strategy to conquer the enemy. War Thunder offers several different vehicles to choose from, ranging from sky based vehicles to sea-based ones. This game is an online war simulator that strikes the perfect balance between an arcade and a military based game. War Thunder takes you to World War II without the grueling fast-paced first-person shooter approach. The game is fast-paced, and calls for quick reflexes to fend off the enemy as the whole pace of the battle can shift within seconds, and with each move having a counter move, the game can be quite tense despite the fun costumes and visuals. Two teams of players are pitted against each other, each donning different characters from the nine playable classes. The game offers different modes with a simple objective, but the road to that destination is a tough one. The game, although being a decade old, still fares pretty well, and is a must play in our opinion. It is a team-based shooter with fun visuals and a crisp gameplay. Team Fortress 2 is another well known freemium game. Pair that with a robotic suit, other players, and a space setting, and you get an amazing time-killer of a game. The main purpose of the game is to kill everything. The game shines in its multiplayer mode but also has a storyline although it may seem repetitive. Each robot suit gives you special abilities and weapons to use, and kill the aliens. Warframe is a third-person co-op game with plenty of abilities at the player’s disposal. Warframe lets you play as a robot space ninja, and for most, hearing that is enough to play this game but the game is quite entertaining too. This game is another famous Steam free to play game.

Steam free to play mac games